Peer Reviewed Merchandise
... a slow academic
home of the Nutty Professor ... Mark Roxburgh
Peer Reviewed Merchandise
in the group show Making it Known, Curve Gallery, Newcastle, 2015

In this work I decided to critique the manner in which academics now have to produce "outputs" that embody their knowledge and can be empirically measured to justify their existence. I regard this production of knowledge as equivalent to academic merchandise. As my creative work can count as one of the measurable output categories I created this work to take the piss while making it count towards the number of measurable outputs I am supposed to produce. Below is the blurb that accompanied the work.
"I'm interested in the way images shape our understanding of the world and how that conditions how we imagine the world could be different. The imagination of the 21st century University is conditioned by the image of neo-liberal ideology. Accordingly I am shaping the world in an academic image, through research outputs as disposable consumer items, in entirely artificial terms."